Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Talks on Khas ethnicity

A booklet on Khas ethnicity has recently becoe the talk of the town in Kathmandu.

Written by one of the leading constitutional experts of Nepal, Dr Bipin Adhikari, the book "Nepalka Khas Jati" (The Khas People of Nepal) (Kathmandu: Nepal Consulting Lawyers, Inc, 2068 BS) presents the historicity of Khas people, their roots, language, religion and culture, and their abodes in the Himvatkhanda including Nepal since pre-vedic (Iron Age) times in a very concise manner.

The booklet of 105 pages, which is priced at Rs 50, brings forward many ancient references about Khas people from Vedas and Mahabharata, Hindu scriptures and treatises, the ancient written history of the Himvatkhanda, and pulls together the facts as to their movement towards the Himalayas and beyond.

Although a small booklet, it has tried to explain Khas ethnicity as an aspect of this community's self-reognition as well as an aspect of its recognition in th eyes of outsiders. Atempts have been mad to explain Khas ethnicity in terms of standards of behavior, social ties, common origins, memories of a shared cultural heritage, religious affiliation, language and tribal affiliation, etc.

Although the purpose of the book iis only to share the perspective of the author on Khas ethnicity, it wil have enormous impact on the common people and activists alike. It makes easy to every member of Khas (i.e Chhetri, Bahun, Kami, Thakuri, Sarki, Sanyasi, Badi, Damai and Gaine) community to know how indigenous they are to this land.

Additionally, the booklet poses intellectual challenge to those who consider thre Khas people less indigenous to Nepal than the Jandjatis who have been asking for provinces in federal Nepal based on their claims of indigeneousness.

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